Current version: 0.2.6

License: GPL 2.0

Past News
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Past news and changelogs

v0.2.4 pre-beta released

- Added a config file (only font and background color are configurable in this version)
- User Selectable Font(but buttons still have the same size so be careful)
- Added Background Color Selection (needs test, if left blank could cause the app to crash on some systems)
- Added X-windows config check
- Added Proftpd config check (also supports Virtual Host)
- Fixed bug on Kernel 2.4 series (no kernel modules shown) - tested on kernel 2.4.21
- Added ifup/ifdown command (but you must have the right permission to bring up and down the interface)
- System info restyle (now has load-avarage support)
- Fixed Bug #1 (font size)
- Added MD5sum Calculator (under Misc.)
- Some minor bugfixes
- Fix bug that prevented selecting a pci device from the combobox
- 13% of IDRA is now also in Italian (if you want some other language let me know)

0.2.2 OUT!

- Works also with SuSE Linux 9.2
- Bug Found: text size is related to X font size preferences (tanks Fabio for reporting it), will be fixed in the next version
- Kernel Check: added the utility "Compiled Kernel Modules" that lists ALL the KERNEL MODULES on the System and also displays modules info
- Main window layout slightly modified
- Now there is a combobox to select the Usb device to probe
- Now IDRA checks the version of lsusb and automagically adaptes its usage
- Network Check now displays also the default gateway
- Added IPv6 support
- Added an "About" menu entry in Main Window (to test menuitem capabilities)
- Some bug-fixes

0.2pre1 OUT!

New Version of IDRA is OUT
- Added System Info (CPU & MEMORY)
- Corrected some Array Bug that caused an Out of Bound Error
- Added Apache & Vsftpd Config file Check
- Network now reports ppp device (needs testing)
- Apache & Vsftpd config file can now be defined by user (if different from the default setting)
- Performed some code cleanup

New Development

The pre-alpha relesead yesterday is to be considered as a proof-of-concept, in the next days the first alpha release will see the light (marked as 0.2pre1).
And, good news for all those who hate Basic - IDRA is moving from GAMBAS (a very good tool) to C++ (with Kdevelop and QT).
The new package (it will be named IDRA-kde) will be released within some weeks.
All your opinions and comments are welcome

Initial Release 0.1 Pre-Alpha Public Release

- rpm for SuSE & Redhat
- Written using GAMBAS, so it's very easy to customize
- USB Hardware List (very fast as it uses lsusb as backend)
- USB model name, USB type and USB Max-Power are reported
- PCI Hardware List (yes, I use lspci)
- Dmesg check (with a search text if you need to search a string)
- FTP Log Check (I use VSFTPd so it searches in /var/log/vsftpd.log)
- In the next release I'll add custom path
- Daemon Check (with runlevel)
- Kernel Modules Check (it reports all loaded modules, with modules info)
- Filesystem (reports all mounted filesystems, *thanks df*)
- Network Check (reports only ethernet for now, this is still a pre-alpha after all!)

IL CECO (Project Admin)

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